Sed purus sem, scelerisque ac rhoncus eget, porttitor nec odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
— Claire C.

Genki Sushi, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

So a thought occurred to me a little earlier this year

What would it be like if I stopped drinking beer?


It would be, I thought, quite an interesting thing

To save a little money and maybe get trim


The issue, you see, is that I don't like the taste

Or the dire consequences it has on my waist


But everyone else likes it, which is why keep going

And drink all those pints, like those lads with bellies showing


Beer is like a thing that suckers you in

With friends and laughs and "come on mate, where you been?"


It's not that I'm scared of missing the booze

And I won't miss coming home late with stains on my shoes


I just want a clean break and not have to think

About who, what and why whenever I don't drink


So I got back to thinking about giving up beer

And whiskey and wine and all the rest, while I'm here


Would I get mega ripped and spend my days at the gym

Because all of my friends think I'm boring?


Would I become more creative and write, paint and sing

Or stare at my TV, watching Friends, and not doing a thing?


Would I be a better man, with no days lost in bed

While I lie there trying to ignore the pounding in my head?


So here I am now, sat with some plates

But no glass of wine, or beer, or even my mates


I'm at this place called Genki, which serves loads of sushi

Which is kind of hard to rhyme, but sounds pretty cutesie.


The meals are pretty fast and the fish comes out on a train

Which is good when you're on your own, hiding, trying not to look lame


It's like being in the future cos you order from your phone

And then the food comes out, lightening quick, on its own


You know why I like it and keep coming back?

Its cheap, good and simple, nothing more, nothing flash


My favourite is the ikura - salmon roe - pretty fresh

All orange and salty, atop a seaweed rice nest


The rice itself is even worthy of note

It not cold or crunchy, just warm, and just so


I remember eating sushi on a train back at home

It was cold and disappointing and made me feel alone


But Genki is different and I feel kinda comfy

As I sit with a podcast, then my book, and then nothing


I feel all at home, with good food and green tea

Eating my fish in my own company


So I drop my one fifty, a bit more than normal

And just walk out, no byes, cos it really aint that formal


So thank you Genki, for helping making it clear

That things can be fine, even when I don’t want to drink beer.

Dot Cod, Central, Hong Kong

Blue Supreme, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong