Donec id justo non metus auctor commodo ut quis enim. Mauris fringilla dolor vel condimentum imperdiet.
— Claire C.

Yee Shun Milk Company, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

This is one of those places that everyone who is new to or visiting Hong Kong should try. It is small, rarely visited by non-locals (apart from in-the-know Chinese tourists), there is no obvious English menu unless you ask, and by god it is good.

Offering sweet relief from the occasional madness of Causeway Bay, it is the perfect place for a snack at any time of day or night. As the name suggests, this place specialises in diary, specifically steamed milk pudding (about HK$40). Pudding comes in a number of flavours (including ginger or just plain milk) and you can choose to have it hot or cold. The ginger variety was silky, sweet and brilliantly refreshing, but was a little on the watery side towards the end. The fried pork chop bun, comprising, you guessed it, a fried pork chop in a buttery, dinky French-style baguette bun, was some serious next level sh*t and explains why vegetarians are, on the whole, wrong. It may have been the crowds outside, or it may have been the liberal use of air con inside on a hot day, but I could have stayed there and eaten a hundred of the salty, porky, crispy, buttery little slices of heaven.

Warung Malang Club, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Branto, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong