All the best places, Gracia, Barcelona

“The only realistic option was a slightly mad dash to the bus terminal, at which point I basically entirely lost the plot, and along with it any hope of eating tasty grilled molluscs before the day was out. Buses, as we all know, are slow and sh*t.”

Lots of places, Tokyo

It is safe to say that I was pleased with my weekend’s work. I had slayed some big beasts, even though it had meant getting up early and staying out late. Eating at positively awkward times had never felt so rewarding.

Laser Wolf, Philadelphia

Yes, there are Philly cheesesteaks too, which were good in a cheap and dirty kinda way and eaten leaning forward while sat on a park bench to avoid cheese whizz getting on my shorts

886, New York

Wedding aside, my plans for New York had inevitably included chasing “only in New York” moments. A walk in central park, eating a slice at night after a show, visiting a proper Jewish deli for chopped liver bagels. That sort of thing.